Power & Influence

Si puedes leer el libro “Strengths Finder” de Tom Rath le ayudara a enfocarse y desarrollar sus fortalezas mientras trabaja en sus debilidades. Es un tremendo libro para su equipo de trabajo. Please take the time to read the “Strengths Finder” Book by Tom Rath, it will help you focus and develop your strenghts while you may work on your weaknesses. Great book for teams!

Then … Watch this teaching … this is really good! ‏@StanfordBiz People decide if you are competent or not in less than 100 milliseconds

This is a long session from Standford Business “What They Don’t Teach in Business School about Entrepreneurship”

Taken from the video: … small team with moral, quality … learning from failure … high energy team, learn rapidly

My comments: Get into the habit of reading. Start with the Book of Life (The Bible) and keep on reading it on a daily basis. Your thoughts will be impregnated with the Word of God, you will get new ideas, ways to form your character and the people around you, and learn how to be strong and whom to rely on when adversity comes.

Take a look at some of these articles

@enTREEpreneurz We decide if others are trustworthy in about the first 7 seconds of meeting them.”

@StanfordBiz As a leader you need to create a culture that rewards and promotes honesty

@StanfordBiz Entrepreneurship and innovation are being threatened by a subpar education system. @StevePoizner

@InSouthFlorida Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking ‘What’s in it for me?