
Archive for the ‘Un Cafecito para el Alma …’ Category

Disciples of what? – Discípulos de que?

Icon Written by La Roca Community on May 2, 2014 – 8:16 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Q clase d discípulos están haciendo y q están siendo enseñados? Muchos se han desviado del mandato del Señor #Jesús UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee What kind of disciples R being made & what R they being taught? Many have gone astray from what the Lord #Jesus said

We need it – Lo necesitamos

Icon Written by La Roca Community on May 1, 2014 – 8:21 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Sin esta promesa, no tenemos vida, nada se mueve, no hay revelación, no hay poder en nuestra vida! Lo necesitas! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Without this promise, we have no life, nothing moves, nothing is revealed, there is no power in our lives! U need it!

Free from Bondage – Libres de Ataduras

Icon Written by La Roca Community on April 30, 2014 – 8:41 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Si se predicara el #arrepentimiento, seriamos #libres de toda culpa sin tantos problemas internos, libres de ataduras UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee If #repentance were preached 2day, we would be free of #guilt without so many inner problems, free from #bondage!

Touched by Him – Tocados por El

Icon Written by La Roca Community on April 29, 2014 – 9:00 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee #Jesus sufrio todo en la #Cruz para q tu y yo seamos tocados x El. Se levanto d los muertos como dijo. YoLoHare y Tu? UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee #Jesus suffered all @ the #Cross so U&I may Btouched by Him.Then He rose from the dead as He said. So will I! Will U? […]

What 2 do? – Que hacer?

Icon Written by La Roca Community on April 24, 2014 – 8:03 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Si #Jesús dijo varias veces lo q los creyentes deberían hacer, por q no lo hacen? Por q decidimos q hacer o no hacer? UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee If #Jesus said several times what believers should do, why don’t they do it? Why do we decide what 2 do or not 2 do?

Hardened heart – corazon endurecido

Icon Written by La Roca Community on April 23, 2014 – 9:02 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Por q todavía rechazamos creer en #Jesús? Sera porq nuestro corazón esta endurecido? Hay #VidaEterna en Jesús! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Why do we still refuse 2 believe in #Jesus? could it B that our hearts R hardened? There is #EternalLife in Him!

Hey, only Jesus! – Hey, solo Jesus!

Icon Written by La Roca Community on April 22, 2014 – 8:36 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Por q la gente busca en cosas espirituales extrañas? Sólo #Jesús resucitó d los muertos. Todo lo demás, está muerto! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Why people look onto & after weird spiritual things & beings. Only #Jesus arose from the dead. All others, R dead!

Jesus is alive! – Jesus esta vivo!

Icon Written by La Roca Community on April 21, 2014 – 8:59 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Un hecho que muchos han tratado de negar: #Jesús #Resucitó! Y es #Señor y #Salvador! LaTumba esta vacía! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee The fact that many have tried to denied: #Jesus is #Risen! And is #Lord and #Savior! TheTomb is empty!

Teamwork – Trabajo en equipo

Icon Written by La Roca Community on April 11, 2014 – 8:58 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Un tremendo #principio d #gerencia q esta inspirado por #Dios! El #TrabajoEnEquipo. Tu #cónyuge, un excelente #socio! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee An awesome #Management #Principle inspired by #God! #TeamWork. Ur #spouse? An excellent #partner!

A Sad Truth – Triste Realidad

Icon Written by La Roca Community on April 9, 2014 – 8:21 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Triste realidad: 1 persona solitaria, sin nadie ni familia ni amigos pero workaholic. Gracias #Dios por mi #Familia! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee A sad truth: a solitary person, all alone by himself w NoFamily & Nofriends but workaholic! ThankU #Lord 4my #Family!