
Archive for the ‘Un Cafecito para el Alma …’ Category

#BeHealed in the name of #Jesus – #SeSano en el nombre de Jesus

Icon Written by La Roca Community on July 3, 2014 – 10:00 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Tremendo cuando la #presencia d #Dios se manifiesta en el nombre de #Jesus. No hay nada q se le interponga! #GoodDay! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee So great when the #presence of #God is manifested in the name of #Jesus. Nothing stops it! #BuenDia!

#Saved by the #Word – Salvos por la #Palabra

Icon Written by La Roca Community on July 2, 2014 – 7:55 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee #Predicar la #palabra de #Dios trae #cambio, #salvacion, #arrepentimiento, #salvacion, #sanidad, #liberacion, #perdon UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee When the #word of #God is #preached, it brings #change, #repentance, #salvation, #healing, #deliverance, #forgiveness

#Resurrection from the #dead – #Resurreccion de entre los #muertos

Icon Written by La Roca Community on July 1, 2014 – 10:47 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Recien un cantante conocido hizo mofa de ‪#‎Jesus‬. Pues pues algunos resucitaremos para ‪#‎VidaEterna‬ otros a ‪#‎perdicion ‬ UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee A well-known singer just mocked TheTruth of #Jesus. Well some of us will resurrect 2 ‪#‎EternalLife‬ others 2 ‪#‎perdition

#Repentance B4 the #blessing – #Arrepentimiento antes de la #bendicion

Icon Written by La Roca Community on June 27, 2014 – 9:34 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Muchos quieren ser #bendecidos por #Dios y lo dicen a la ligera, pero no quieren cambiar su #camino en la #vida! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Many want the #blessings of #God & say it out lightly and refuse 2 turn away from their walk in life! U have 2 change

#God’s #Covenant – #Blessings – #Pacto de #Dios – #bendiciones

Icon Written by La Roca Community on June 26, 2014 – 8:29 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Cuando crees en las #promesas de #Dios, el #pacto de #bendicion que El hizo, pasa de una #generacion a otra. UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee When U believe in God’s #promises, the #covenant of #blessings He made, goes from one #generation to another!

#RefreshingTimes & #Repentance – #TiemposDeRefrigerio y #Arrepentimiento

Icon Written by La Roca Community on June 25, 2014 – 8:45 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Aun actuando en ignorancia delante de #Dios, si hay #arrepentimiento, recibes #perdon, vendran tiempos de refrigerio! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Even when walking in ignorance B4 #God, if U #repent, U will B #forgiven, then, times of refreshing will come to U!

New Life in Jesus – Vida nueva en Jesus

Icon Written by La Roca Community on June 24, 2014 – 8:12 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Cuando abres tu #corazon al #Señor #Jesus y te rindes a El, tu vida cambia para siempre, Eres una nueva persona! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee When U open ur heart 2 #Jesus & surrender to Him, ur #life changes forever! U R a new person 4 #eternity!

Do not deny #Jesus – No niegues mas a Jesus

Icon Written by La Roca Community on June 23, 2014 – 8:31 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Realmente los tiempos no han cambiado mucho, hay tanta gente hoy q continua rechazando a #Jesus, el dador de la vida! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Times have not really changed much, there R so many people 2day rejecting #Jesus the giver of #Life, the only #Savior

Uproar of Joy – Algarabia de gratitud

Icon Written by La Roca Community on June 20, 2014 – 8:51 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Algarabia ante la gente como testimonio d lo q #Dios hizo en su vida! y tu, alguna expresion d agradecimiento a Dios? UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Uproar of joy B4 people witnessing for what #God did in his life! What about U, any expression of gratitude to God?

Prayer & Action go 2gether – Oracion y accion de la mano

Icon Written by La Roca Community on June 19, 2014 – 9:06 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Fascinante relato d la manifestacion del poder d #Dios cuando los creyentes #oran! Q pasa con los creyentes d hoy? unCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Fascinating story about the manifestation of the power of #God when #believers #pray! Where R U believers today?