“Removing things from within”
This is my site Written by La Roca Community on August 23, 2017 – 1:47 pm

Video: removing things from within

Ministering the word at FBC Big Pine Key, Sunday Aug 20, 2017
Jeremiah 1.10, Jeremiah 31.28

God has a message, God is talking to his people, to his Church, to the nations, to kingdoms. He speaks through His word, through the Ruash Hakodesh (the Holy Spirit) as a mighty wind, through people, but we do not listen, the nations do not want to listen. God moves from a small still voice to the strong wind. He speaks what He is going to do. Yet, we are not obeying what He is saying. God speaks through his servants the prophets, and the prophets speak the revealed word from God. “Prophets and prophecies” have been misunderstood or not understood at all because of bad experiences and have caused people not to believe the way God moves. We have opened the door to believe the deceiver (oh, that is not possible, that will not happen, God is love…) and we are deceiving ourselves. James 1.22.

Rather than believing the prophets today, as it happened in the scriptures, prophets and prophecies were rejected. A prophet is a servant of God who receives revelation with a particular and announces it like Noah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, and many others.

People have the opportunity to come to repentance before it is too late, turn to God, change attitudes, change hearts, to avoid God’s discipline. God is showing us things we need to get rid of. Let the Holy Spirit move in you so you can remove things from your life, from deep inside.

La Roca Community
Lucho Jaimes
You can follow us in tweeter @LaRocaCCorp @TrigoyMielMin @LuchoJai @AleyJaimes

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