#Family concept being deceived – Concepto de #familia burlado por las sutilezas
This is my site Written by La Roca Community on January 15, 2015 – 10:56 am

1eCoffee Colosenses 2.8 150115UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee
Si desconoces o ignoras los preceptos establecidos por #Dios terminaras confundido y burlado por la sutileza de otros

We are warned in Colossians 2:8 about the deception in our society. How man have decide to intervene & twist God’s definition for his evil purposes. Well, everyone will have to stand before God because no one goes free when breaking purposely God’s law. We’ll suffer the consequences of wrong…

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee
If U don’t know or ignore the precepts established by #God, U end up confused and deceived by the subtlety of others1eCoffee Colossians 2.8 011515

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